John 14:1 “You believe in God, believe also in Me.”
Jesus spoke those words that night in the upper room. He was with the disciples He loved. ThePassover meal was finished, he had washed their feet, and the betrayer had left. Now He and those He loved, and those that loved Him, were together. Come into this intimate moment.
“You believe in God”. Those men from birth were steeped in the traditional Jewish faith. Most assuredly they believed in God. They were so in awe of God they would not speak His name because He was Holy, and surely they were not holy. They knew this Holy God to be a God of judgment, did He
not slay the wicked? They knew of his power, did He not part the sea and cause fire to fall from Heaven?
They knew of His righteousness, did He not send the Commandments that no man can keep. They knew a little of His grace, did He not make a way of atonement through the Passover sacrifice? Oh yes, they believed in God.
But God is distant; God is so far from me and where I am. He is Holy, I am not. He is pure, I am not.
He is there in His perfect place. I am here in the midst of a fallen and broken world. He has all power. I am weak and undone. He has all knowledge. I cannot see the way and live in doubt and fear.
But Jesus. This man who is by me here and now. This man I know as I know other men. I have walked with Him, we have shared bread, we have labored together, we have laughed, He lifted my head when troubles came, He knows my innermost thoughts. Yes, this man Jesus is my friend. I know Him.
Now the light of great revelation begins to dawn on those disciples that night. Beloved one, let the light now rise in your heart that you may see also.
Believe in God? Yes you do. But God in all His wonder is no longer there, God is no longer distant or unapproachable. God is Jesus. Jesus is God. Jesus is here, He understands every issue you
have because He is a man.
He comes to you and you know Him. He lays His hand on your shoulder, a simple touch; yet in that touch is the realization that He is here, and He knows you, He knows where you are, and He cares for
“You believe in God. Believe also in Jesus.”
He is here. Now rise up and go into the day in the power of His presence.