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Day 29/40 Challenge


Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, tothem who are called according to His purpose.”

This is one of the most familiar verses in the Bible. It has brought comfort and encouragement to Christians throughout the ages. Yes, for those that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose, you know that all things are working together for good.

You always seem to apply this verse to your personal set of problems or issues. “I love God, this is my problem, and I know God will work it for my good.” And that is true.

But there is much, much more involved. Look where verse 28 is found; immediately before in

verse 26, the Spirit is making intercession for you; immediately after in verse 34, Christ is making

intercession for you. Between the Spirit’s intercession and Christ’s intercession, you will find yourself

and your circumstances.

It is true this verse applies to your condition personally. But there is more. Your circumstances inevitability bring you in contact with other people.

The verse says ‘all things’; that means everything. The circumstances of your life are in the hand of God. He is aware of everyone you see, and the issues that caused you to see them or hear about them.

The places you go, the people you meet in day to day living are there by God’s design. A phrase in the

Gospel speaks of Jesus being ‘in the way’. It simply means as He was going about His daily activities.

Today, people will come by you while you are ‘in the way’. You encounter people every day who have no one to intercede for them. Can you imagine the despair, the fear, of those who know not your Holy Father? And worse, is there no one to intercede for them?

Your circumstances and those you encounter are not mine, and my encounters are not yours.

But God places circumstances and people before you that you might call their name to your Holy Father.

You, as a Christian, may be many things, but one thing you must be; an intercessor, calling to God the names of those who need Him.

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