Guard the Minds of Children
Deuteronomy 6:6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.”
Please read the verse again, carefully. God is speaking, and He is addressing parents. He is commanding parents to put His Word into your children’s hearts. Who is responsible for teaching your
children? Can there be any doubt? Parents, you shall teach them, and teach them diligently. How shall
you teach them? You teach them from the overflow of what God is doing within your heart.
All through the day opportunities abound to take circumstances of life and use them as teaching
moments. But this is only half the job before you.
Ask God specifically to give you insight into the character and heart of your child. As He provides insight, you will see how to pray for that child. The verse makes it clear that God expects
parents to be intimately involved in the lives of their children.
Pray that your children will open their heart to God at an early age.
Pray that you will see their character develop and God will show you how to help shape them.
Pray they will have Godly friends.
Pray they will be protected from people and circumstances that would lead them astray.
Pray that God will give you insight and warn you when danger is near.
Pray that you will not provoke your children.
Pray that you will set a Godly example every day for your children.
For single parents, pray God will bring Godly people into the lives of your children to help you teach them.
Amen,e're on day 28 already!