2 Corinthians 7:10 “For godly sorrow works repentance…”
John 16:8 “And when He is come, He will convict the world of sin…”
Convicted. Guilty. These words bear weight and cause pain in your heart. You agree with the prophet as he cried, “Woe is me! I am undone.” And yet the very conviction of your sin is truly a blessing. First know this; when God’s Spirit convicts, He will surely place His finger on the very specific fact, the particular deed of your sin. His conviction is not some vague concept, not a general sense of wrong.
He says, ‘this sin’ must be addressed. It does not matter that it seems very small, ‘of no consequence, so why bother’; or, that it seems very great ‘how can that ever be forgiven’. Small or great does not concern your Holy Father, but His concern it that you will agree with Him and call it what it is,‘sin’. David said, “against Thee and Thee only, have I sinned” . Whether small or great, that ‘sin’ cost Jesus everything at The Cross. God providesredemption through Calvary. Redemption means that what was lost has been restored, the price has been paid.
The conviction of your sin is a blessing because it is the Spirit of God telling you that you are distant from Him. Your Holy Father is calling you, wooing you, back to Himself. Godly sorrow works repentance. Say to Him today, “Father, I was wrong. I am sorry. Forgive me.”