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Day 18/40 Challenge



Ephesians 4:23 “Be renewed in the spirit of your mind.”

24 “And that you put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.”

27 “Neither give place to the devil”

30 “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption.”

It is the will of God that the Christian, that person who is sealed by the Holy Spirit of God, should have a new mind, and that he will walk in righteousness and holiness.

In this context, walk means your lifestyle, the things you do day in and day out. A Christian who does not walk or maintain a lifestyle in righteousness and holiness will fail to live up to the potential God has for him. He wonders, why? Secret sins may be the answer. God has promised to forgive your

sins and cleanse you when you confess your sins. But these secret sins present a problem.

Imagine you purchased a tract of land and obtained a deed to your property. But you were careless in the legal search of the title. You have discovered a small tract in the middle of your property is owned by someone else. He has legal title to this tract, and he is determined to stay. The wonderful

plans you had are now in disarray because of this intruder on your property.

In a similar way, when you live with unconfessed sin, a habit, or an unresolved issue from the

past, you have given the devil a legal foothold in your life. Then you present yourself to your family and

friends as a Christian with all the positive attributes associated with that name. There are two problems;

the hidden sin, and living a lie. You have “given place” to the devil. You grieve the Holy Spirit.

Consequently you do not live in the power of God’s Spirit, but you are defeated by your enemy and you

wonder why.

Bring this before your Holy Father. Confess it and give it to Him. He knows about it. He will not turn you away. He will, yes He will, show you the path for deliverance, renewal, and holiness.



Lion of Judah Messianic Community

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