Jeremiah 17:10 “I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins (motives), even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.”
Jeremiah 23:24 “Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord.”
Day in, day out, life moves along. You find your pace, your routine, you develop a way to get along. But slowly, many times without realizing it, you have drifted into a way of life that is far removed from the path you should walk. Little indulgences have become habits, sin has come into your life and
settled down. Old issues that were not resolved have been boarded over, covered up, and set aside never
to be addressed.
Then He comes into your house, He looks in every room. You have kept your house pretty well, things are in order and nicely cleaned. But He wants to go to that room upstairs; oh no Lord, no one goes to ‘that’ room. That room is not open, it’s a private room. But He insists.
So, little by little you have created pockets, rooms of sins that stay with you. For some, listening
to God speak as He searches your heart is a very difficult thing. Consequently you never truly open your heart to the Lord, because you know you have hidden things there. A choice must be made: Will you
open your heart to His Spirit and allow Him to work in you? Or, will you stop the journey here?
Remember: O how He loves you! He loves you with the love of a Father. Remember: He is Holy. He wants to help you, and He will not harm you. But you must be real, you must be honest before Him.
You can only go as far as your obedience will take you.